2019 USA - Bike Shipped to CA
Yesterday, I packed up my bike and shipped it off to CA. I have a second bike which allows me to continue riding for these last two weeks so I don't lose any fitness. The bike should get to a local bike shop next Tuesday. They will put it back together for me so that it is ready to go when I arrive. I could have taken the bike on the plane, but this way allows plenty of time to resolve any problems from shipping, and I do not have to spend the time to put it all back together.
Trek Travel will provide a high quality Trek bicycle for one to use on their trips. I did this when I bicycled in Chile with them this past January. (I hope to post an entry about that trip soon.) However, on a 6 week trip, I would much rather use my bike which is exactly set up for me the way I like it, and whose performance I completely understand. It is much more of a hassle to bring my own bike, but the Trek bikes are just do not feel the same.
I will be arriving in Santa Barbara on Tuesday September 17, two days before the group meets on Thursday the 19th. Arriving early means no travel stress. There is some nice biking in the area, so I will go out for some short rides Tuesday afternoon and on Wednesday. On Thursday, we all meet as a group and go out for a short local ride. Since many people will be using the Trek bikes, this is their chance to tweak the fit and setup. Friday September 20th will be the day we head east, covering 80 miles. We will bike every day until Saturday September 28 when we will get our first rest day at the Grand Canyon.