Day 15: To Pagosa Springs

Today we had a relatively short ride (61 miles) from Durango to Pagosa Springs. My hamstring was feeling better today than yesterday. I rode slowly again to minimize the stress on my injury.

The ride out of Durango started along the river, a few photos are shown above.

For most of the ride, we rode by ranches in the valleys.

Finally, we climbed over a pass to Pegosa Springs. Once we got to the hotel, we immediately slipped back and forth between the hot springs and the 47 degree river while we waited for our rooms to get ready. I was too busy enjoying the water and totally forgot to take any pictures. However, I am sure that it was good for my leg. :)

Tomorrow, we have a 140 mile ride to Taos. We climb over a pass which goes to 10,500' of elevation. The day will be more challenging since the weather forecast is for rain with temperatures in the 40s and 50 through the early afternoon. My leg is feeling enough better that I believe I will be able to complete the ride. The day after tomorrow we will be in Taos for our second rest day.


Day 16: Epic Taos Ride


Day 14: Into the Mountains to Durango